How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?
From this feedback I am able to see that my target audience of mainly teenage girls enjoyed watching my product. Also by doing this I can see what was and wasn't effective. At the time of these screenshots I had yet to finish my ancillary product and I still had time to edit my video, therefore I was able to take the feedback and advice into consideration and actually do some last minute edits to improve my product.
However, if I had more time I would most likely have filmed more abstract scenes or scenes that didn't involve my main character, in order to stop the repeated scenes being used more than once. Although I did this due to the lyrics being repeated and to reinforce the narrative that it is a continuous cycle of her being upset and it isn't getting any easier for her to move on from her break up.
This is the final feedback after all of my products where completed:
This response was from another media student, therefore they will know what to expect from my work and what it should or shouldn't include in relation to my chosen genre. From her response I can see that I have been effective in creating a pop music video and a digipack consisting of a front album cover, back album cover and an advertisement for my product. She likes how my front album cover is slightly different to usual album covers, instead of having a picture of a close up of the artist it is just her eyes. The effect I had chosen on this image was effective, which is what I was hoping for when I made the front album image, as it creates that distorted feel which she picked up on easily. I also wanted my album cover to reflect the pop genre but make it more unique and judging by her response of saying it's 'not the same generic album cover' I feel like I have succeeded in doing this. Continuity is present throughout each of my products which is what I was aiming for, therefore showing that my products were overall effective. She also said that the shots of my artist show emotion which is another thing I was really trying to portray throughout my work in order to reflect the mood of my music video and the album itself. This feedback has allowed me to see what was effective within my finished products.
This is another female friend's response when viewing my ancillary products. She isn't a media student so her response won't be as biased. She likes my work which shows it is effective as this is my main target audience. It does create continuity as the images are of the same person so people will remember who it is. She said she would've used black and white but that's not what I wanted to do with my product; I wanted it to be bright to reflect the pop genre. Furthermore, she also said she would've used a different text so it doesn't look so blocky. I agree that the front cover of the album name could be changed so it doesn't look so big, however, as the artist name is in quite cursive font I wanted the title to be bigger in order to stand out. She doesn't believe it looks professional which I also agree on 100%. I feel as though I could've tried to experiment with more tricky Photoshop techniques and font styles to make my cover look more professional. I also didn't have an amazing camera or photography skills even though I've practiced doing shoots before. Although overall I am happy that she thinks my product is still effective, which is what I was aiming for.
Another piece of feedback is from another friend who hasn't ever studied media before. She says that she likes how the CD and Advertisement have the same background as it ties them together. Therefore, I am aware that this shows my products create continuity throughout. Furthermore, she said she likes the constant use of the same fonts and colours which allows the style to be recognisable to a viewer; this again creates continuity and a house style. Another positive is that she likes the positioning of the back cover of the image of the artist looking at the song titles because it makes them the focal point of the cover. This in turn verifies the effectiveness of my product as I wanted this to attract an audience which it seems to have done as she mentioned it. The effects I have chosen of the front CD image she also liked which is what I was hoping to achieve.
What would I have done differently?
Overall I am happy with the outcome of my products, however I wish I had used my time more wisely so that I had longer to edit my music video and ancillary texts, as I do think they could be improved drastically. I also would have filmed more scenes for my music video so I had a wider range of video clips to form the narrative.
To make my ancillary products look professional I would've looked at YouTube videos of tutorials for Photoshop techniques and also techniques for my music video using Final Cut Pro.